Friday, December 8, 2017

Assets at Christmas

So, it's Christmas again....I know people struggle with the fact that I always hate this time of year, but I do.

December 1, 2017 started with me having -$4.95 cents in my bank account.

It's now December 8, and I now have $15.27 in my bank account, because I got paid today. I won't be paid for another two weeks.

For the first time ever, I've had to tell my son there are no Christmas gifts this year.

He's 20 now. Not a child anymore, but a man.

He tells me that it's ok. But deep in my heart I know that it's not.

So, just to scramble to find food for the rest of this month, I am looking at those gift cards that I have in my wallet. Five dollars here, $1.36 there.

I am lucky, I guess. I know of women with younger children who are doing unthinkable and unspeakable things on the streets to their minds, thoughts, and bodies to provide a Christmas to their child/ren.

I know that Christmas is not, and should not, be about presents under the tree.

It's about the birth of Christ our Savior.

So, I try to find hope, and strength, and life in that.

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